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We were at the CIMUG Meeting in Saclay (Paris), France June 18th-20th

Margaret Goodrich, President and Founder of PCItek, was at the

Common Information Model User Group (CIMUG) Meeting

Tuesday, June 18th through Thursday, June 20th 2019 in Paris, France

Margaret talked with attendees about about PCItek's new substation security products and about how CIM and T-Nexus, AEP's new Transmission CIM-based NMM, is going to transform AEP's daily work.


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If you missed us, Schedule a time to discuss the 2018 IEEE PES General Meeting August 5th-9th in Portland, OR

Margaret Goodrich, T-Nexus Integration Lead (Project Consultants President) and Chuck DuBose, Principal Engineer, P.E. will be attending the PES General Meeting in Portland, Oregon from August 5-9, 2018.

Re-imagining the Electric Grid

We will also be hosting two CIM Meetings during the IEEE PES 2018 General Meeting!

The first is the CIM TF Meeting:  
AMPSCAMC03 – CAMS TF on Power System Modeling in CIM

Committee Meeting
(AMPS) Computer Analytical Methods
Monday, August 6, 2018
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Session Chair 1: Margaret Goodrich

Presentations by David Bogen of Oncor and Pat Brown of EPRI   — Margaret Goodrich will present a status report on the CIM and the IEEE Task Force

The second meeting is the CIM TF Panel Session:  
AMPSCAMPL03 – Centralized Network Model Management Integration Using the CIM Standards

Panel Session
(AMPS) Computer Analytical Methods
Thursday, August 9, 2018
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Session Chair 1: Margaret Goodrich

Presentation Information

Start Time End Time Submission Number Submission Title Authors
8:00 AM 8:10 AM 18PESGM2628 Federated Architecture for DER Gerald Gray;
[email protected]
(Main Author)
8:10 AM 8:20 AM 18PESGM2629 Using Blockchains & CIM for Distributed Network Model Management Alan McMorran;
[email protected]
(Main Author)
8:20 AM 8:30 AM 18PESGM2631 Managing Smart Metering Within a Smart Cities Context David Bishop;
[email protected]
(Main Author)
8:30 AM 8:40 AM 18PESGM3029 GridAPPS-D – leveraging the CIM for development of portable distribution system applications Ron Melton;
[email protected]
(Main Author)